From Schensted to Pólya

Submitted by Dennis White

Suppose G is a finite permutation group acting on [n] := \{1,2,\ldots,n\} . Let C_{\rho} denote the conjugacy class of permutations of type \rho in symmetric group S_n . Let \chi^{\lambda}(\rho) be the \lambda irreducible S_n character evaluated at the conjugacy class C_{\rho} .


\displaystyle K_{\lambda,G} := \sum_{\rho} \frac{|G\cap C_{\rho}|}{|G|} \chi^{\lambda}(\rho)

In fact, K_{\lambda,G} is the number of occurrences of the irreducible \lambda in the induction of the trivial character of G up to S_n , or, by Frobenius reciprocity, the dimension of the G -fixed space inside the S_n -irreducible corresponding to \lambda .

It is therefore an integer and

K_{\lambda,G} \leq f^{\lambda}

where f^{\lambda} is the number of standard Young tableaux (SYT) of shape \lambda .

OPAC-024. Interpret K_{\lambda,G} as a subset of SYT of shape \lambda .

The group G then acts (Pólya action) on colorings of [n] . For a partition \mu , let \Delta_{\mu} be the orbits of \mu -colorings of [n] , that is, the orbits in which color i appears \mu_i times. It follows from Pólya’s Theorem that

\displaystyle (*) \quad \quad \quad|\Delta_{\mu}| = \sum_{\lambda} K_{\lambda,\mu}K_{\lambda,G}

where K_{\lambda,\mu} , the Kostka number, counts the number of semistandard Young tableaux (SSYT) of type \mu and shape \lambda .

Alternatively (see [1]), compute the dimension of the \mu -weight space inside the G -fixed space of the GL(V) -representation on V^{\otimes n} in two ways, either directly or via Schur-Weyl duality.

OPAC-025. Give a Schensted-like proof of Equation (*).

Example 1. If G = S_{\nu} = S_{\nu_1} \times S_{\nu_2} \times \cdots (a Young subgroup), then K_{\lambda,G}=K_{\lambda,\nu} and

\displaystyle |\Delta_\mu| = \sum_{\lambda} K_{\lambda,\mu} K_{\lambda,\nu} .

The tableaux in OPAC-024 are then the standarization tableaux of the SSYT and the Schensted-like proof is the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence (RSK).

Example 2. We say i is a descent in SYT T if i lies in a row above i+1 in T . Define

\displaystyle \mathrm{maj}(T) := \sum_{i \textrm{ descent of } T} i .

If G = Z_n , the cyclic group of order n , acting on [n] , then the tableaux of OPAC-024 are those SYT T such that \mathrm{maj}(T) is a multiple of n . See [1]. However, usual Schensted applied to these tableaux does not produce orbit representatives for the Pólya action, so OPAC-025 is unresolved.

Example 3. The techniques in [1] can also be used to solve OPAC-024 if G = Z_{n-1} acting on [n] .

Example 4. Also solved in [1] is the case where G is the alternating subgroup of a Young subgroup. If G is the alternating subgroup of S_{\nu} , then K_{\lambda,G} = K_{\lambda,\nu} + K_{\lambda',\nu} . Here, \lambda' denotes the conjugate of \lambda . The solution to OPAC-025 uses a small modification to the standardization argument for the RSK algorithm for the Young subgroup case.

Example 5. In fact, suppose G\times H acts on [a+b] , with G acting on [a] and H on [b] (using a different alphabet). Suppose we know that U is a solution tableau (shape \lambda ) to OPAC-024 for G in S_{a} and V is a solution tableau (shape \rho ) for H in S_b (again, different alphabet). Then let \mu be a partition larger than \lambda and \rho with |\mu| = a + b . Construct a tableau X of shape \mu as follows. Let Q be a SYT of shape \rho such that the lattice word of Q fits \mu/\lambda (and so is counted by the Littlewood-Richardson coefficient). The portion of X in \lambda is U . The portion of X in \mu/\lambda is the Schensted word corresponding to the pair (V,Q) (see [1] for details; see also [3]). Of course, this idea may be extended to longer direct products.

Example 6. Applying Example 5 to Example 2 and using the fact that jeu de taquin preserves the descent set (see [2, Ch. 7 Appendix 1]), it follows that the tableaux X can be chosen to be those tableaux whose \mathrm{maj} in the two portions of the tableau (\lambda and \mu/\lambda ) are divisible by a and b , respectively. Care must be taken that the alphabets in each portion are [a] and [b] respectively, even though the second alphabet is larger than the first.

We note in passing that while it is easy to show that if H is conjugate to a subgroup of G , then K_{\lambda,G} \leq K_{\lambda,H} for all \lambda , the converse is not true. In fact, S_6 contains two non-conjugate Klein 4-groups each of which has three elements of type 2^21^2 and one element of type 1^6 .


[1] V. Reiner and D. White, Some notes on Pólya’s theorem, Kostka numbers and the RSK correspondence, unpublished (2019). Available online here.

[2] R. Stanley, Enumerative Combinatorics, Vol. 2, Cambridge University Press, 1999.

[3] D. White, Some connections between the Littlewood-Richardson rule and the construction of Schensted, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 30 (1981), 237–247. DOI: 10.1016/0097-3165(81)90020-0

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